Day 1 of My Lose 5lb Goal

I gained a pound! LoL

I think I did everything right. I drank my water, ate pretty well (well, I did have an afternoon honey bun melt down) but bump that…I went to yoga!

And even though I didn’t give it alllll I had in the 90 minute Bikram yoga class due to a lower back incident that happened like a month ago, I still sweated my butt off and I did go to yoga when I usually do nothing at all.

Yo…I’m chalking the poundage gained to pre-menstrual happenings. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

If I had to wear a bathing suit today, I’d look like a bloated smurf. Sigh.

How I Currently Look with Clothes on

How I Currently Look with Clothes on

About Tinesha Davis

1. I was bit by a dog when I was three. There I was, outside playing alone when I seen MY dog. I went over to pet said dog and 9 stitches by the eye later, turned out it wasn’t my dog afterall. Where was my mother? 2. I was jumped for the first and last time again when I was three. Three girls who I thought were my friends asked me to bring my Weeble Wooble doll house out to play. I did. They took me to the high rise building in our neighborhood. Up to the third floor and threw my doll house out of the glassless window and threw me down the concrete stairs. But I’m a rider – I ran home crying but later came back outside, alone, to collect the pieces to my broken doll house. Again, where was my mother? 3. In my life there has always been a healthy dose of the number 3. It’s a serious theme. Therefore its my lucky number. Whenever 3’s show up or numbers divisible by three I know there’s something in it for me. I currently live in the third house from the corner – I am currently purchasing the third house from the corner – I am the 51st person hired by my company – and my son was born on 3-13-93. 4. Speaking of my son, I had him at 16 and my family and friends (except for one) didn’t know I was pregnant until I was 8 months – with that being said I went an entire pregnancy with practically no prenatal care – uhhhh, that explains it. 5. I won 3rd place in a 3rd grade poetry contest. 6. I enrolled myself in a school for the gifted and talented when I was in the fourth grade. Most people got in this school by taking extensive tests and meeting rigid standards and cut-off dates. Not me. I got in by taking the wrong bus to the wrong school, went to the office where they asked me a bunch of questions and determined since I was smart enough to enroll myself I could stay (they over-looked the fact that I wasn’t smart enough to find the same busstop that I used the year prior). 7. But I guess I always been something like a genius. When I was four my mother used to send me to the store (had to cross a street and everything) with foodstamps. Her instructions were to buy small pieces of candy at a time until I had enough "real" money to buy her cigarettes. Her excuse, my sister was a baby it was hard for her to make it to the store. 8. Ok, It was I who peed the bunk on our 4th grade overnight camping field trip (again at the gifted and talented school they so graciously let me attend). 9. I bogarded my way into a neighborhood (not my neighborhood)4-H club. I was a fifth grade wanderer. And one day while wandering I noticed kids going into a building so I followed and became an instant member. I paid no dues but was very very active – competed in shows and contests and they even gave me a scholorship to attend their camp for a week. I did not pee the bed this time. 10. I bogarded my way onto a neighborhood (not my neighborhood)softball team. Again I was wandering and some kids were playing – waalaa. That's when I learned, I'm not the athletic type. 11. I bogarded my way into Old Dominion University. I applied but they rejected me (grades were something like horrible) but something in me wouldn’t allow me to believe in rejection so I went up to the school in person told them my story and they accepted me on academic probation. 12. Some of that story was, I had my child at 16, left home 3 months after his birth, roamed a little, slept on different peoples couches a little, got evicted for being 17 and too young to be on a lease in the first place, and letting a 14 year old who had already been expelled keep my newly born child just so that I could get a few days of school in a week. My grades weren’t from not being able to do the work – my grades were from hardly being at school and the school’s attendance policy. 13. I purchased my first house without having a job. I'm gangsta like that. 14. I am a very passionate person. I go hard. I don’t just learn about new things I immerse myself into the world of new things. I buy all the books, go to all the seminars, purchase all the material, costumes, coaches, sages and spices, even visit the country if I must. I become a master in 2 weeks and then – ahhh I get bored. 15. I really would have liked to be a singer. Can’t sing a lick and can barely carry a tune. So when I’m bored I pretend I’m the one performing Whitney, Beyonce, Jennifer – whoever – it really doesn’t matter because well – I wrote all the songs. 16. I would really love to write amazing music. One day – one day. 17. I actually auditioned for and made the All-City Chorus in the fifth grade – that’s when I first discovered the power of being “liked” because I surely couldn’t sing. 18. I believe I was Asian in a past life time. When I lived in Korea it felt like home to me – I loved it on a level that resonates from somewhere deep inside. 19. My father is a card carrying member of the Native American –Narragansett tribe. And while there’s no permission to build a casino yet – they do pick up college expenses. I’m working to get my tribal card. It takes the I got Indian in my blood to a whole 'nother level. 20. My Great Grandfather was chief of the tribe and a cousin is now the current chief. Let me in, I scream. 21. With that being said – I would love to start competing in smoke dance. 22. I have an on again and off again phobia about dancing in public. When I was 6 a relative at a wedding told me I danced like a white broad. I was mortified because up until then I had been dancing the entire evening with EVERYONE. I thought they were smiling because I was cute and danced so well (I certainly felt good) you mean to tell me they were really laughing at me. For years after that I never danced again in front of people. Sometimes I still feel panic attacks coming on when I’m on the dance floor but I’m working through it. 23. Goes without saying that her saying that went beyond hurting my feelings, it fu&*ed them up. In headstart there was this girl who had also hurt my feelings, she told me I had ants in my pants. What a horrible thing to say to someone. 24. I used to collect garbage pail kids cards, paperdoll clothes that I made, those plastic rubber bracelets, Michael Jackson buttons, right on and word up magazines that I stole from any 7-11 within a walking distance from my Ocean View (Norfolk, Virginia) neighborhood. 25. When I was 6 and my sister 4, I decided it was time for her to die – she was making my life miserable. So I proceeded to poison her to death by putting dishwashing detergent on her french toast like it was syrup. Someway somehow, I ended up with one of the “poisoned”french toasts and she ended up with the other. I do not care for french toast to this day but I absolutely adore my sister.

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